Brigitte V. Fresco




Brigitte Fresco has over 20 years of experience advising clients in a wide range of corporate matters. 

Brigitte specializes in counseling clients regarding initial public offerings, dividends, and internal corporate restructurings, and providing legal opinions in connection with a variety of transactions.

She also provides advice regarding mergers and acquisitions, recapitalizations, stock issuances, sales of assets, dissolutions, corporate governance, and fiduciary duty issues.


Corporate Transactions
Corporate Governance
Mergers & Acquisitions

  • The George Washington University Law School, J.D., with high honors, 1995
    The George Washington Law Review
    Order of the Coif
  • Pennsylvania State University, B.A., with high honors, 1992


2019 Proposed Amendments to the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware

Insights   |   April 2019

Proposed amendments to the Delaware GeneralCorporation Law would, among other things, addnew provisions relating to documentation of transactionby electronic means, revise the default provisionsapplicable to stockholder notices, includingthose governing appraisal, clarify the timing of unanimousconsents of directors, and make other technicalchanges.…

2017 Proposed Amendments to the Delaware General Corporation Law

Insights   |   April 30, 2017

Proposed amendments to the General Corporation Lawof the State of Delaware have been approved by theCorporation Law Section of the Delaware State BarAssociation and are expected to be introduced to theDelaware General Assembly. The amendments addressblockchain technology, stockholder consents, mergersand consolidations, and annual reporting.…

2016 Proposed Amendments to the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware

Insights   |   April 2016

Legislation setting forth the 2016 proposedamendments to the General Corporation Law ofthe State of Delaware (DGCL) has been approvedby the Corporation Law Section of the DelawareState Bar Association and is expected to be introducedto the Delaware General Assembly. If theamendments become effective, they would resultin several important changes to the DGCL.Among other things, the proposed amendmentswould…

Significant Proposed Amendments to the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware

Insights   |   June 2013

The 2013 proposed amendments to the DGCL include some of the most substantial and groundbreaking developments in statutory law in Delaware in years.

2012 Amendments to the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware

Insights   |   August 2012

Legislation amending the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware was adopted by the Delaware General Assembly and was signed by the Governor of the State of Delaware on June 29, 2012.

2011 Amendments to the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware

Insights   |   August 2011

Legislation amending the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware was adopted by the Delaware General Assembly and was signed by the Governor of the State of Delaware on July 7, 2011.

2008 Amendments to the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware

Insights   |   August 2008

Legislation amending the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware (the DGCL) has been adopted by the Delaware General Assembly and was signed by the Governor of the State of Delaware on June 26, 2008. The DGCL amendments became effective upon signing by the Governor. The DGCL amendments are designed to keep Delaware law current…

  • Lundin v. Mecham: Defining the Scope of the Equal Access to Justice Act,” The George Washington Law Review, 1994
  • Delaware, 1996
  • Pennsylvania, 1996