Jesse Finkelstein is co-author of Meetings of Stockholders, a seminal treatise on Delaware corporate law.
- Boston College Law School, J.D., 1980
- University of Rochester, B.A., 1977
Delaware Supreme Court in Lyondell Decision Updates Duties of Directors in Response to a Takeover
Corporate Counsel Weekly | April, 2009
Directors will likely face the most intense scrutiny of their conduct when the board acts in response to a takeover proposal. In Lyondell Chemical Company v. Ryan, the Delaware Supreme Court confirmed important principles regarding both the duties owed by directors, and the standards by which their conduct will be measured. Ever since its adoption in…
- Contributor, Meetings of Stockholders, R. Franklin Balotti and Jesse A. Finkelstein
- Tulane Corporate Law Institute, Past Co-Chair
- American Bar Association, Business Law, Litigation and International Sections
- Delaware State Bar Association, Corporate Law Section
- Fellow, American College of Trial Lawyers
- Chambers USA
- Benchmark Litigation
- The Best Lawyers in America
- Lawdragon 500
- Super Lawyers
- Who’s Who Legal
Bar Admissions
- Delaware, 1980
- United States Supreme Court
- United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit