Corporate & Chancery Litigation

Richards, Layton & Finger’s corporate litigation practice is considered “the gold standard in Delaware” (Chambers USA) for its extensive breadth and depth of experience and high-level insight into the procedures and practices of the Court of Chancery.  Delaware corporations, ranging from the largest publicly traded companies to private or family-held corporations, turn to our corporate and Chancery litigation team for representation in high-stakes and complex corporate disputes involving fiduciary duty claims, mergers and acquisition disputes, corporate governance and control disputes, and statutory appraisals, among others.  Clients have praised Richards Layton’s Chancery litigation team for its “depth of knowledge as to the nuances of Delaware law,” “great oral and written advocacy,” and “impeccable reliability and strategic judgment” (Chambers USA).

The firm’s corporate and Chancery litigators have established a record of success and been involved in many of the landmark corporate cases in the Court of Chancery and Delaware Supreme Court.  These landmark representations include well-known cases such as the Dell and Petsmart appraisals, Salzburg, Bluebell, Corwin, Trulia, Trados, Lyondell, Disney, Mentor Graphics, Caremark, Pure Resources, Paramount/QVC, Paramount/Time, Frontier, Unocal, Moran v. Household, Siliconix, Barkan, and Kahn v. Lynch.

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