Recent Developments in Delaware Corporate Law
Spring 2019
Publication| Corporate Transactions| Corporate & Chancery Litigation
This publication, which highlights recent corporate and alternative entity cases andstatutory developments in Delaware, continues our long tradition of providing insightinto the development of Delaware law. Our corporate and alternative entities teams, thelargest and most recognized in the state, play a crucial role in Delaware. For decadeswe have contributed to the development of key statutes, litigated influential decisions,and provided counsel on complex transactions—making us uniquely skilled at helpingsophisticated clients navigate the intricacies of Delaware corporate law.
Richards Layton has been intimately involved with many of the cases highlightedin this publication, and we have handled, as Delaware counsel, the most M&Atransactions valued at or above $100 million for more than 20 years running, asreported in The Deal and Corporate Control Alert. We welcome the opportunity todiscuss the practical implications of the recent developments in Delaware law withyou, and we look forward to helping you whenever a need may arise.
– Richards, Layton & Finger